Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So for english yesterday, i learned about text structures and bias. We took a quiz on the 5 different structures, and Ms. Takara gave us a quiz to work on. We have to write 9 paragraphs to prove our thesis statement. I think that the difference between cause & effect and problem & solution is pretty confusing.


Yesterday in English i learned about the 5 different types of text structures and Bias. I took an I.C check and i got a 9 out of 10.  I understand the lesson.
In class today I  did worksheets that had me read an article find words i didnt know and i had to look them up on the dictionary. This was pretty straight  forward  so  i had an easy time.

Today, we did research on our thesis statement. Mine was about child abuse. My topic was inspired after I read a very touching book called "A Child Called It" written by David Pelzer. I think that child abuse should be stopped, and I'm trying to find some solutions while doing our research project.

Yesterday in English i took an IC. I also did constructed responses. I  also had to write a paper about  a famous or historical person that did something to the world. I chose Adolf Hitler to write about.
We worked on our projects almost the whole period, but we didn't have the computers this time.I didn't really do much because I decided to research at home about child abuse.I also learned how to verify if a site is legitimate.
We're still doing our project and researching. I need to finish my note cards about my problem,solution,and my pros and cons.
We did more research on our problems and solutions. I got to finish my outline and note cards.

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