Saturday, October 31, 2009


Today in science I learned about the rock cycles. I learned how sedimentary rock turns into metamorphic rock and how metamorphic turns into igneous and vise versa. This was fairly easy to understand but hard to memorize.

Today in Science i was supposed to finish my crossword puzzle but i didnt.i guess it was to hard. I also did a worksheet about rocks. I learned about how sedimentary rocks form, the stages  it takes to make it form and much more.


Yestrday, we learned reviewed the 3 different types of rocks and how each could change into another, forming what we call the rock cycle. For something to turn into a Sedimentary rock, something must wear it out and break it down. A rock is an Igneous rock after it is melted down and hardened, and something is a Metamorphic rock if it is changed by heat or pressure. We have to do a project to show what we know about the rock cycle. I'm thinking of doing a comic strip.

Today we worked on our projects, and i went on with my comic strip idea. I chose this instead of doing a poster because it seems more creative and fun. It's going to show a rock in its life. I named it Brian.


In science class, we're focusing on mechanical waves. We're also learning about its frequencies, speed and distance. It was kind of confusing because there's so much kinds of waves to learn about.
In science I learned about mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves. I did mostly book work that class not really anything else.
We studied more about the different kinds of waves.
We learned about the 4 different ways that waves can change. Such as Reflection,Refraction, Diffraction and Interference (Constructive and Destructive.)

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