Monday, October 26, 2009

Social Studies

Today I learned about federalist and anti-federalist in social studies. I also took a test about my north eastern states. I dont understand my north eastern states because i got a C.

Dudes that look like girls(federalists)

Anti federalists

Yesterday, I learned about the Lousiana Purchase, and how Civil War made social changes during the time. We watched videos and took cornell notes, so the class was pretty easy. I just wanted to figure out where all the fight for land started.

Today in S.S I  took cornell notes on federalist and anti-federalist. This was pretty straight forward so it was easy. I took cornell notes because I have to write an essay about Federalists and anti-federalists wich will not be easy. Thats what i did today.


Today in Social Studies, we learned about Pittsburgh and how it became the world's leading steel producer (hence, the Pittsburgh Steelers). There were many complications on the way-in the beginning of its steel making business,visitors called the city a living vision of hell- to making Pittsburgh what it is now, but Andrew Carnegie was a smart and ambitious man that led the city to its wealth. I think that it was actually a pretty interesting topic to cover.

Early Steel Making Days.

Pittsburgh now.

Andrew Carnegie-the man behind Pittsburgh riches.

In S.S today i learned about  George Washington. I learned about his life , i learned about his childhood, his early careers , when he became president and when he died. Learning about him was easy answering questions  about him was hard.
Yesterday in Social Studies, I learned about the Panama Canal and the Impeachment Process.I think it was kind of sad how Theodore Roosevelt died right after the canal opened.But he still made a great accomplishment during his presidency having it built.I also learned that no U.S. president has ever been impeached,though 2 have went through the process.Johnson survived by 1 vote,and Nixon resigned.
Today in Social studies i learned about George Washington . I learned about what he belived in what he did as president,  i learned about the groups he was supported by which was the federalists and what he did during his presidency.
In Social Studies, we're learning about the Chinese-American culture and how it affected America as it is today. I found out that in the early immigration years, most chinese we're shunned from the rest of society and were sent to live in San Francisco, California. Chinese children were always told to be excellent in school because of the trouble it took to get into the U.S. with all its immigration laws. I found it interesting to learn about part of my culture. And I immigrated from the Philippines, so I can relate.
We did worksheets and turned in our work from last month.

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